Thursday, December 18, 2008

Recap to catch up!

Since I've been off of work I have been a very bad blogger.... Who knew how much I had to do when not working!

For halloween we spent some time at the Greenhouse Harvest festival... Winter just liked the pumpkins!

The big deal in Novemeber was our trip to LA for my Dad's surprise 75th birthday. The weekend focused on doing things from our childhood with dad. So on Thursday night we showed up at his house at 10:30pm and went to a local 24 hour resturant called Norms. He used to work two jobs when we were littel kids on and Fridays he got off late and took us to Norm;s at 11pm for fries and a coke... it was fun Coffee at dad's favorite coffee meeting place on Friday. Friday evening we all went to a football game at Redondo Union High... the alma mater for all 5 of us Young children and 3 of the in-laws. The announcer gave a yell to dad for his birthday during half time...very cool!

Then we went fishing... my brothers have not stopped being obnoxious older brothers.... still... at 50 years old they are still mean to the baby... that would be me!

The big part of the weekend was a late lunch at Cheesecake factory with dad's friends on Saturday. He was so happy... it was very cool. Sunday drew the festivites to and end with brnuch at my brother Richards house and dad's gift. Oscar spent many hours satruday night putting all the photo's from 5 different cameras on a digital frame. My hubby rocks! Now dad has a lastign memory of all our events

Some f the girls from the family L to R Paige, Suz, Becca, Winter, Sam - my niece, Flora her mom, Erika - the newest member of the family. She is engaged to Sam's older brother Richard.

The Young Family Pam, Butch, Dad, Paige, Ron and Richard. This is fishing on the REdondo peir. I hate touching dead fish!
Winter Elizabeth gettign into the RUHS tradition. The kids may have to move bakc to LA just so we can have another RUHS graduate and keep the tradition alive!

This is my big brother Butch... He's the oldest and I'm the youngest. I love my big brother!
Winter with her 6 month purple bunny picture. I've been very re-miss in getting these photo's online. Bad Yis-Yia. 

Sorry I've been so bad about this posting thing......


Amy, Steve, Molly, Paige and Garrett said...

Good to see a new post Paige! Well done!

Marianne said...

Yes, nice to read! Thanks!

Unknown said...

Good recap! Sounds like a lot of fun. :-)