Thursday, January 24, 2008

Most people have new years resolutions... not me. See every year I choose a word and a skill that I want to focus on and apply to my life in the hope that I will be a better person come 2009.
Last Thursday night my friend Marianne reminded me that I hadn't picked my word or skill for the year.

Truth be told it was a lot like starting this blog, I didn't know what I wanted to do and it was causing my brain to hurt so I avoided it... see a pattern here? I mentally made the comittment to have these two items picked before we met the next Thursday... which is of course today!

So here it goes... Authentic for the word and typing for the skill.

I choose to be a more authentic person. I find that I don't tell people how I honestly feel about something.... I find myself adjusting my values and words to suit the temperment of the person I'm talking to. This happens most frequently with my faith but bleeds over into family and friends occasionally.

Typing... no spell check is the bane of my exsistance...seriously. I consider myself an intelligent woman, very literate and my spelling is above average. But to read some of my typing makes you wonder if I ever moved passed 3rd grade spelling! I took a test and my typing is 33 WPM with only an 88% accuracy level....plenty of room for improvement!

1 comment:

Amy, Steve, Molly, Paige and Garrett said...

Hey Paige... I just happened to notice the link today on Jen's page, checked it out and alas... there were postings. You go girl. If there's one thing I know about you, it's that you have a lot to say! :)