I know this is long overdue but life has been a bit crazy for the last 3 weeks. The baby has arrived in all her splendor and glory. Being a grandma is "all that and a slice of pizza!"
So here's the story of the birth, I want to write it down because it's only been 15 days and already the details are blurring together. It started... the labor pains on Tuesday morning May 13, Justin took her ot the hospital and they sent her home because the contraction were regular at 5 minutes apart but not making progress. I got home later that afternoon and I walked her little legs off. She went back at 10pm that night the contractions were stronger and once again was sent home because now she was at 2 cm but that's it.
Wednesday at noon I left work because she was having the strong contraction but not regular anymore and was doing her "suzanne" thing, which translated means sleeping. No baby if you sleep all the time so off we went to walk around Target. The car was a good thing, I think we bounced a few things loose in there! She was having some very strong and close contraction and when they checked her at the hospital, she was 3cm and the contraction were very close...like 3 minutes apart. They finally decided to keep her! Yea!
The night wore on and by 7am the next morning still having contractions, still strong she was STILL 3cm. We were cheering "bring on the pitocin" at that point and the Suz was very tired and cranky. She was doing a great job with meds and breathing but heck it had been so long!
The doc gave her pit at 6:30am Thursday morning, at that point she had been in early labor for so long that she was tired and sleeping between contractions. The first doses were not much and she made no progress until around 10:30 they gave her a significant amount and an epidural. She was very happy and sleepy after that! She started to twirl her hair on her finger...that's how I knew the epi was working!
around 11am on Thursday they checked her and she had made it to 7cm and it was going good. At1pm she was 10cm according to the doc. The nurses started to prep the room for delivery and checked her at 2pm and she had gone back to a 7cm! Also around 11;00am shortly after they broke her water, the baby started to decel with each contraction, I forgot to mention that and so they tried putting water back in the sac but that slowed down the progress....
Anyway, once the nurses checked her, both of them, thy called the doc in and surprise surprise she said the best option for baby was a c-section. I figured it was coming as soon as they said she was 7cm again. it happened rather quickly and fortunately I was able to go in with them.
Winter was born at 2:55pm, she was very quiet coming into the world and had very bright alert eyes... and looked so very much like Justin did as a new born. The hair is amazing!
So that's the story...... and now my blog will probably be all about the amazing little girl who the Lord has seen fit to bless my life with.....!
Congrats grandma!!!! Poor Suzy, she had such a rough labor experience! But Winter is totally worth it! It is true what people say about forgetting about the pain of childbirth, it just takes time!
shes totally over it already katie! now the challenge is not gettign sleep deprived!
Not getting sleep deprived... Haha :-) Is that possible with a newborn???
Seriously though, I was glad to read the post! Congrats again on grammy-hood.
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