Monday, June 9, 2008

Oscar update for Monday night

The drain procedure went really well! They took a long time and ran late of course but the drain was very successfully place and they were able to draw out an initial 50cc of "stuff" and the drain is still doing its job. He says the pressure pain has decreased a lot and now it's mostly residual pain from the drain being placed. He still has his PCA with dilauted running but needs it less as the night goes on.

I definitely had to work this week so it has so nice that Becca was here early this morning and read to her dad between his drug induced cat Doug came by around 10:30 and stayed with oscar all the way through pre-op, hitting his PCA every 20 minutes if Oscar slept through it. Suzanne and Winter came around noon and stayed until 7:30 with me. Oscar was very happy to see therapy is an awesome thing! Suz took the camera home to upload some of the pics she took today, I post those later.

he had a few visitors today, Our friends Amy and Molly came by and brought some fun stuff for Oscar to read, a game puzzle book and Chocolate... everyone feels better after chocolate! We ended up spending some time over dinner in the cafeteria together... Molly and I painted with condiments... Then Rick and Carmen, my brother in law and his wife, stopped by for a few minutes to see him.....overall it has been a very good day!

Next step is to get Oscar drinking and eating... that starts in the morning. The doc was noncommittal as to when he could go home but said Wednesday or Thursday seemed possible. A lot depends on how he does over the next 24 hours.... Fever should be going away, the pain should very steadily and rapidly decrease. Add in a few meals and he's homeward bound.

I'm sitting here watching him sleep peacefully for the first time in many days and feeling very blessed by all of this. God has certainly been gracious to the Jarquin Family these past couple of days! Thanks for all the prayers, they are working!


Katie Scott said...

I am so happy to hear a good report! Hope you are able to get some sleep tonight! Still praying for Oscar's healing.

Jennifer Herring said...

I agree - get some sleep. We're all praying for you!

Kristen Ewers said...

Hooray for the drain! We were JUST praying for Oscar's recovery and wondering how the procedure went. Thanks for the update. Hope he sleeps better tonight with less pain. Still praying...

Ivan Escamilla said...

Hi Paige,
Thanks for keping us updated on Oscar's conditions. We are keeping him and all your family in our prayers. Please pass on to him our regards and best wishes. Ivan E.